Sunday, September 4, 2011

Inconceivable! ACTS 12:9

Acts 12:9 
" So he went out and followed him., and the did not know that what was done by the angel was real, but thought he was seeing a vision." NKJV 

Theme: Be sensitive to God's still small voice and to the signs, visions, and answered prayers in my life. 

How can we do this? Some people say "Oh that's a lucky" or " you just have good car-ma!" or my personal favorite "inconceivable!". We need to train  ourselves to be sensitive to these blessings rained down, we need to read our bibles. Make our reading of it a daily re-occernce and a habit. Enough of this generation of appetheic christians that aren't reading their bibles! If your not reading your not following Jesus! How can you if you don't read His word?How can you justice your faith, if you don't even know His TRUTH and what it says? Psalms 119:11 " I have hidden Your Word in my hear that I might not sin against You."  When I do this, I am putting on our armor of the Lord. When i don't do this I go out for battle without my helmet. and without my truth in the morning then I will never see the blessings of the Father rain down in my life all around me. 

Peter was so marveled by the blessing that was being rained out on him that he was thinking dreaming or seeing a vision!  He was stunned! because he was armed with the truth. He didn't mistake this happy as "inconceivable" or "good luck" no... it's was a happening of the Lord. He was being blessed. When we are spiritually sensitive to God you understand the things in your life as prayer answered, blessing rained down, visions and God's calling in my life. 

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