Sunday, September 4, 2011

MARK 8:34 Procrastination.

Mark 8:34 

"When He had called the people to Himself, with His disciples also, He said to them, " Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross, and follow Me." 

Following the Lord/Jesus requires sacrifice, dropping your old ways out of love and follow Him.
" The cross" is like the trials in our lives and owning of sins when you desire to follow Jesus.
Jesus asks that if your going to love Him, He wants you to love Him all the way,and that consists of leaving you old life behind.
Jesus wishes you with Him, walking beside Him carry your cross, but He doesn't want you to do it half hearted... BINGO!   

Procrastination is something many people do. Come on I'm sure we ALL have been there; it's Sunday night 8:31 PM, your watching last week's episode of Glee, on you backed up DVR and you realize the 10,000 word essay that you that you have only written 6 words of... only 9,994 words to go. Oh and don't forget the 3 chapters you forgot to read in the "History of Shoelaces" along with the annotations! Okay... it's now 8:40 PM and lights out is at 11 PM... The goal is to GET ER DONE! Power through it, make a pot of coffee and zip-out the essay, and skim through and highlight random sentences about the art of velcro... So what I'm not really learning anything about the "History of Shoelaces" and who cares the essay it's may best work, but at least my paper is done and I read the 3 chapters.... right?

How often do we have a similar mind set when it comes to our walk with Jesus? We skip church on Sundays, we put off reading our bible until the last five minutes before bed, and the power of prayer only comes to mind when we haven't got the paycheck this month, we are on "E" tryin to make own way to work. When we take this route in our walk we aren't really walking with our Savor. When Jesus talk all the people " Whoever desires to come after Me" deny yourself, take YOUR CROSS and follow ME. If your not doing thing whole heartedly and procrastination in your faith your not really denying yourself, you haven't metaphorically are you following Jesus....

APPLICATION: I don't get anything out of my faith if I don't do things all the way. There's no point in doing the work if your not really getting anything out of it. I need to "pick up my cross" own my walk with Christ and actually follow Him with all my heart. I will doing this by understanding in what areas were my walk is at a stand still and also asking and keeping my brothers and sisters in Christ to hold me accountable. If you sit on the fence all the time your bound to fall. 

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