Ephesians 4:25
"Therefore, putting away lying, "Let each one of you speak truth with his neighbor." for we are members of one another." NKJV
Most of us as kids are taught to not lie, cheat or steal. In my house the most stressed lesson was not to lie. My dad would always tell me " you can always trust a thief to steal, and a cheater to cheat.. but you can never ever trust what a lier. Only to always trust that ever word out of their mouth is untrue."
Lying is a powerful, evil and tricky way of life. When we lie we hide who we are as well as trick others to see or not see situations as they truly are. Usually when we lie we have to somewhere along the line have to make up another lie to follow-up with the one we told before. When we live in a state of a lie we are not truly living. And I think the person that lying hurts the most is those who tell it. Because we can also find ourselves believing the very lies we told to begin with!
APPLICATION: Telling the truth sets me free. Then I live in a lie I can not live a normal life( the one God has for me.). Telling the truth is always the best policy. Also something thats also important to remember is that it's never too late to tell the truth.
Colossians 3:9 " Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the old man with his deeds."
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