Ephesians 4: 22
"That you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts." NKJV
Imagine an old, grayed, sight impaired, wrinkly, hunched- backed, frail man. He is sitting on his run-down porch in a rocking chair with the dirtiest of all looks on his face. Day after day he resides on the front step, rocking back and fourth in his chair. Everyday people pass by his house, smiling and waving at the old man and the old man just increases his scornful stair and the people quicken their pace and pass by. The old has seen and had horrible things happen in his life so he thinks " The world hates me and I hate the world!" " If the world hadn't been so wicked I wouldn't be wicked back.". One day he sees a man, close to the same age as he, but he is different.... This man is happy, this man is smiling, he is up-right and wide-eyed. The man on the porch see that other man and wonders " what does he have that I don't have?".So after a week of seeing as he passes by this house, the old mean man stops the other." You haven't you seen pain and sin in your life? " Why don't you have hate for the Lord?" My walking man stops and tells the man " I have seen much pain, but I have seen more love." "I have forgiving the worlds old conduct and walked on a new path."...... and he smiles and walks on.... The grayed and hunched man is stunned.... "forgive the world and it's former conduct?"
APPLICATION: I am saved, I am always reborn. Now that I am a new creation I need to walk away form my sin and OLD CONDUCT and walk as a new happy upright man. I will do this by every hatful thought or painful memory form my past, I will obedient offer it at the feet of the Lord. I will be a new man, still old and wise in the ways off the world, but not dwelling in that and becoming a victim of my past. I need to take ownership of it and then give it to the Lord. Don't be that old man.... don't be a victim friends... be the new man, free and a new creation!
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