Sunday, August 14, 2011

Have No Fear God Is Here. You Can't Fail.

Acts 12:7

“ Now behold an angel of the Lord stood by him, and a light shone in the prison; and he struck Peter on the side and rise him up, saying, “Arise quickly!” And his chains fell off his hands.”

“Luke uses an interesting word for prison. It is oikema, a word that occurs only in the New Testament. It literally means dwelling. The Lord’s continuing presence in the prison cell had converted Peter’s cell into a home. One of which he could sleep! Peter quietly made himself at home.” And the two guards he was snuggled between were his houseguests. “If it was the Lord’s will for Peter to be committed to the jail cell and lead to death.
            Imagine how the world would be if we all had the same obedient as Peter did in his prison cell. Peter had no fear, and had no reason to be. God sent Peter an angel to free him. Peter had the mentality that he was saved regardless.
APPLICATION: What would you attempt if you knew you couldn’t fail. It’s impossible to fail when the Lord is with me. I need to consistently remind myself that because I am in God’s will… so I cannot fail.  


  1. That's so awesome! It reminds me of what Jean McClure told us. "All things" :] With God, we can do all things. He is so good!

  2. What a neat word, "dwelling" wow. that is such neat insight. How often our mind will consider our present state to be our dwelling of despair, but Peter instead welcomed God's presence within the dwelling of a prison and there he saw the power of God. Awesome blog girl! thanks 4 sharing
