Sunday, September 4, 2011

EPHESIANS 4:26 Get Angry.

Ephesians 4:26 

" Be angry, and do not sin, do not let the sun go down on your wrath." 

APPLICATION: God knows that I am going to get up-set and angry, and thats okay. God understands. But it's part of our walk with to groom and train ourselves to not act out in our angry. When I am upset wit someone I need to go to that person ( after I have offered it to the Lord) and shout things out. I find myself doing this more and more with my brothers and sisters in Christ. I am so grateful for that!Because even thought this is an uncomfortable and I'm unskilled in this, when I do this I become closer in fellowship and free! There is freedom in not letting angry drag on! I don't want to be in the habit of living in angry. I want to have no angry in my being.      

EPHESIANS 4:25 Trust a Lier to Lie.

Ephesians 4:25 
"Therefore, putting away lying, "Let each one of you speak truth with his neighbor." for we are members of one another." NKJV

Most of us as kids are taught to not lie, cheat or steal. In my house the most stressed lesson was not to lie. My dad would always tell me " you can always trust a thief to steal, and a cheater to cheat.. but you can never ever trust what a lier. Only to always trust that ever word out of their mouth is untrue."
Lying is a powerful, evil and tricky way of life. When we lie we hide who we are as well as trick others to see or not see situations as they truly are. Usually when we lie we have to somewhere along the line have to make up another lie to follow-up with the one we told before. When we live in a state of a lie we are not truly living. And I think the person that lying hurts the most is those who tell it. Because we can also find ourselves believing the very lies we told to begin with! 

APPLICATION: Telling the truth sets me free. Then I live in a lie I can not live a normal life( the one God has for me.). Telling the truth is always the best policy. Also something thats also important to remember is that it's never too late to tell the truth.

Colossians 3:9 " Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the old man with his deeds." 

EPHESIANS 4:24 A Fresh Start.

Ephesians 4:24
" And that you put on the new man which was created according to God, true righteousness and holiness." 
When I read this, the word that is highlighted most in my heart is "New", so I looked in the back of my bible to my concordance and looked up the word "New" and the Lord took me to Lamentations 3:23-24 
Lam 3:23-24 " they are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. "The Lord is my portion." says my soul, "Therefore I hope in Him!".... I am new every morning, when I read this I see that the Lord gives me a chance to try again, learn form yesterday's sins and short comings and go deeper with Him. God does not want me to be held back by the mistake I made in the past. I don't have to lurk within and in the old girl or now women I was before. He doesn't want me to feel guilty about my past and not except the grace and mercy He gives me. For it was there since the day on the cross, the day that the pure blood of Jesus was shed for my name sake... my soul. Why did He do this you may ask? So that I can have a relationship with HIM! So that I can grow close to Him and have the hole in my heart filled! So that I can teach other people how to fill that hole and share the good news." He has risen" We are saved! (For reference see  Matthew 28: 7-10.). 

Something else that I have learned today through this verse and my classes just today was that there is a huge difference between conviction and guilty. Guilt is a tool of the enemy (or satan). He uses this to make us feel bad about something form our past to separate us from of beloved Father ( AKA God).Guilt is how you feel toward a situation, that  there's really nothing you can do about except feel bad about. For example; the death of a family member or loved one, sexual impurity of the past before you knew God's will for marriage, other things you did in your past before you knew the love of the Lord and His will for you life, and others I can't quite think of at the moment. Conviction is something different. Conviction is something the Lord lays on your heart that can be fixed, achieved or changed. An example of a conviction would be; God convicting yo to send more time in His word each day, praying for purity in your relationships with your boyfriend or girlfriend, tithing to your home church more or more often, making prayer a daily occurrence in your life, laying down a bad habit or relationship, or in my case taking my first year out of high school and giving it to the Lord to learn His word and serve His people down in Costa Rica... It is vital to understand as a christian the difference between conviction and guilty. Feeling guilty about something you can't change for the better is useless and letting it get in the way of you and the Lord is sin. Don't take part in this tool of the enemy (santa), but if this does happen to you which I am sure it will, pray and ask the Lord to show you how to fix the situation and if He doesn't then ask Him to take it away form your mind.

APPLICATION: To be aware of the things in my life which place a wage between the Lord and I, and to hate those things and pray that they leave me as fast as they entered my brain. Also that those conviction the God puts on my heart to improve my relationship with Him, I do and understand that no matter how odd, scary or painful those convictions look that I will have the piece of mind that they are for the bettering or my loving story with Jesus. 

EPHESIANS 4:23 Happy New Years.

Ephesians 4:23 
" and " be renewed in the spirit of your mind." - NKJV 

"It's rotten through and through. Get rid of it! And then take on an entirely new way of life—a God-fashioned life, a life renewed from the inside and working itself into your conduct as God accurately reproduces his character in you." (MSG)
New Years Resolutions...hummm New Years Resolutions... Every year people make them, "I want to lose weight, I want to walk every morning, stop smoking, stop drinking, start going to church, spend less money, not get a speeding ticket," the list goes on and on. Every year at whatever New Year's Party I end up at I hear these very commitments, and every year I (more times then not) I see that every person that vowed to lose 10 lbs, not walking every morning, skipping the gym, and eating whatever they feel like. Now I am not saying that they are liars or that they didn't really sincerely want to lose that extra somethin somthin, but what I am saying is that they didn't really set themselves up for success. In other words,they relayed on their own strength to over come and herd-dal in their life.
In comparison to God, the mind of man is very weak. We are prone to all sins and lead astray form the small infraction when we relay in our own strength to overcome any from of obstacle when we are left to our own devices. In order to have success over my sins and the mountains in my life I need to call upon the Lord. Call upon Him, tell Him I can't do it in my own strength. Ask Him to walk with me and guide me in the task at hand. 
Isaiah 58:11" The LORD will guide you continually, and satisfy your soul in drought, and strengthen you bones; You shall be like a watered garden and like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail."
When I call upon Him He will bless me. I have learned that my old way produces failure. But now I have found a new way and call upon Him in all I do. When there are things is my life that are hard and seem like a New Year's Resolutions, good intentions but weak in might, I will call upon the LORD. I will do this in all situations, when I am having an impure thought for a person or situation, when I am in the checkout line calculating the cost of my items in the cart and thinking"Do I really need everything I put in my cart?", when I  have unclean feeling toward a situation or person asking God for the right words or proper steps to take next. 

EPHESIANS 4:22 The Blame Game.

Ephesians 4: 22 

"That you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts." NKJV 

Imagine an old, grayed, sight impaired, wrinkly, hunched- backed, frail man. He is sitting on his run-down porch in a rocking chair with the dirtiest of all looks on his face. Day after day he resides on the front step, rocking back and fourth in his chair. Everyday people pass by his house, smiling and waving at the old man and the old man just increases his scornful stair and the people quicken their pace and pass by. The old has seen and had horrible things happen in his life so he thinks " The world hates me and I hate the world!" " If the world hadn't been so wicked I wouldn't be wicked back.". One day he sees a man, close to the same age as he, but he is different.... This man is happy, this man is smiling, he is up-right and wide-eyed. The man on the porch see that other man and wonders " what does he have that I don't have?".So after a week of seeing as he passes by this house, the old mean man stops the other." You haven't you seen pain and sin in your life? " Why don't you have hate for the Lord?" My walking man stops and tells the man " I have seen much pain, but I have seen more love." "I have forgiving the worlds old conduct and walked on a new path."...... and he smiles and walks on.... The grayed and hunched man is stunned.... "forgive the world and it's former conduct?" 

APPLICATION: I am saved, I am always reborn. Now that I am a new creation I need to walk away form my sin and OLD CONDUCT and walk as a new happy upright man. I will do this by every hatful thought or painful memory form my past, I will obedient offer it at the feet of the Lord. I will be a new man, still old and wise in the ways off the world, but not dwelling in that and becoming a victim of my past. I need to take ownership of it and then give it to the Lord. Don't be that old man.... don't be a victim friends... be the new man, free and a new creation!  

ROMANS 12:9 The Narrow Path.

Romans 12:9
"Let love be without hypocrisy Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good." 

APPLICATION: I pray that God will break my heart for what breaks His, truly. But also that does not make me scared to face evil. That i learn how to handle difficult situations with a God-like mind set. God knows what's best for me, it gets hard sometimes, but God is with me, not against me. 
Don Miller writes in his book Blue Like Jazz " normally the things we want the most in this world are the things that kill us." I believe this to be very true. It isn't human nature to seek the things that the Lord offers us, the ten commandments, and for me the still small voice or calling He has for my life. We aren't born a christian,saved and heaven bound, we must at some point in our lives answer the call God has for our lives and live accordingly to that. 

Because i know this,it makes my convictions very clear. Love the way God loves me, given freely, loving all, deeply, sincerely and at all times. Cling to what is good, the truth of His words and to hate those things which are evil and that can trick me into a "Luke-
Warm" christian walk or not one at all. For the things of this world, the things that my flesh craves the most, security, merit, popularity, pride, money, that new pair of Nikes. These things I can get instead of the fruits of the Spirit (see Galatians 5:22-26) selling-out for the things that make me died inside...The things that kill me. 
Matthew 7:13-14 
" Enter by the narrow gate;for wide is the gate and broad is the path that leads to destruction and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the path which leads to LIFE, and ONLY FEW FIND IT."
Now that i have found that small narrow path, that few are on, I am want to walk in search of the gate that is hard to find. I consistently and feverishly pray that I do not venture off the small path. And lead other to the small path, and love them in hopes that they too don't depart from it. 
Psalm 119:11
" Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You."
Proverbs 22:6
" Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart for it." 

ROMANS 12:13 Love.

Romans 12: 13 
" Distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality.: NKJV 

Theme: Sharing is caring, the saints are us, you and me, the ones that know and love the Lord. In order to be effective disciple of the Lord we have to be all of the fruits of the Spirit. See Galatians 5: 22-26. 

When we display affections for each other and specially those who do not know that Lord, they will know us for the love we have for one another. When people that are suffering, sad and alone in this world, they will look at the saints AKA: you and me and wonder " why are they do happy? How do I get that?" They will ask and we will tell them one word: JESUS. We have joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. It's important to try our very best to enact all these fruits the Spirit gives us in our; daily walks on our own, in  our  family and friend relationships, as well as our marriages and boyfriend/ girlfriends relationships. 

ROMANS 12:10 Why is This Okay?

Romans 12:10 
" Be Kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love,in honor giving preference to one another." NKJV 

Surfing the web, flipping the channel on the tube, even walking down the street you run in to it everywhere! Violence, crime,harsh and crude languages in this day and age is unescapable. Today the acceptance of crude humor, media violence and unspeakable crimes is on some level okay in the average social class. Today we have video games with it, blockbuster movies are coated head to toe in it, and the breaking news always has a tragic story! People today have just came to the conclusion that either one of three things; " it's not a big deal." "It's not happening to me so I don't care." or get this one " Everyone is doing it, so it must be OKAY.".... 

But is it really okay? Is perverting and distorting image of marriage and the family unit  that God intended for us, with pornography, homosexuality and divorce? Is that okay? Is throwing way collectively hours upon hours of our life glued to a light-up screen watching movies, playing video games and having a make- believe life on Facebook, Youtube so on in virtual lives, that cause us to ignore the Lord and distort the truths of His word. Not to mention the act of violence, thought and things I don't want to type out or even think about towards other people that rot our world. 

APPLICATION: By armoring myself with the truth of His word, starting at the beginning of my day, through-out my day and falling asleep at night with it engraved one my heart. I need to do this so that the things the world says is "Okay" and it's deprived standards for my life, I can think otherwise. For I am God's Child, and He holds me to a higher standard. 

MARK 8:37 Treasures in Heaven

Mark 8:37 
"For what can a man give in return for his soul?" NKJV 
APPLICATION: When we look to man or things other then God to fulfill us, we will be disappointed somewhere along the line. I can't look to this earth and this life apart from the Lord to make me happy and complete. I must spend this life pursing the Lord and the things of His perfect Kingdom,only then will I find fulfillment. 

Matthew 6:19-21 " Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." 

In all honesty this for me is a daily cross. I have to bear everyday. Everyday to some extend I am scooped-up or have a small snag of the things of this earthly life that the world tells me will make me happy. But now that God is in my heart and I understand that He is walking beside me at all times. Those snags become more and more apparent and less and less frequent. The goal is to say "NO" to the world completely and " YES LORD YES..." to Him fully. For example; the appearance I have verses the appearance that the world says me is most appealing, the education i have in comparison to the one that I have that the world tells me will bring me the most merit and security. On top of all of the material things that puts a smile on the faces of the rich and famous. For this life isn't about earthly tangibles is for but a season,but joy in the Lord is eternal. 

MARK 8:35 Actions Speak Louder Then Words.

Mark 8:35 
" For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel's will save it."

Saving your own skin is not the actual goal. That's the initial draw, but shouldn't be the earthly life-long mission. The real mission that will keep you going will be the higher purpose/ calling of your life. Hebrews 5:12-14 " For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the oracles of God; and not solid food. for everyone who partakes only of milk in is unskilled in the word of righteousness,for he is a babe. But solid food belongs to those who are full age, sense exercised to discern both good and evil."

Read your bible, this is how we do this Don't stay the same during you whole life w/God. Eat food, prepare food, give to others food! knowing the Lord to save yourself is not enough, you need to love God and grow in Him to find true salvation. For knowing the Lord and knowing His existent is not enough for even the demons and the devil himself knows He is there. 

James 2:19" You believe that there is one God. You do well . Even the demons believe and tremble!." 
APPLICATION:  You have to reflect that you love and have faith in the Lord and all His truth. just saying He is read with your month to save yourself from hell, means nothing. That isn't salvation. Actions speak louder then words. 

MARK 8:34 Procrastination.

Mark 8:34 

"When He had called the people to Himself, with His disciples also, He said to them, " Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross, and follow Me." 

Following the Lord/Jesus requires sacrifice, dropping your old ways out of love and follow Him.
" The cross" is like the trials in our lives and owning of sins when you desire to follow Jesus.
Jesus asks that if your going to love Him, He wants you to love Him all the way,and that consists of leaving you old life behind.
Jesus wishes you with Him, walking beside Him carry your cross, but He doesn't want you to do it half hearted... BINGO!   

Procrastination is something many people do. Come on I'm sure we ALL have been there; it's Sunday night 8:31 PM, your watching last week's episode of Glee, on you backed up DVR and you realize the 10,000 word essay that you that you have only written 6 words of... only 9,994 words to go. Oh and don't forget the 3 chapters you forgot to read in the "History of Shoelaces" along with the annotations! Okay... it's now 8:40 PM and lights out is at 11 PM... The goal is to GET ER DONE! Power through it, make a pot of coffee and zip-out the essay, and skim through and highlight random sentences about the art of velcro... So what I'm not really learning anything about the "History of Shoelaces" and who cares the essay it's may best work, but at least my paper is done and I read the 3 chapters.... right?

How often do we have a similar mind set when it comes to our walk with Jesus? We skip church on Sundays, we put off reading our bible until the last five minutes before bed, and the power of prayer only comes to mind when we haven't got the paycheck this month, we are on "E" tryin to make own way to work. When we take this route in our walk we aren't really walking with our Savor. When Jesus talk all the people " Whoever desires to come after Me" deny yourself, take YOUR CROSS and follow ME. If your not doing thing whole heartedly and procrastination in your faith your not really denying yourself, you haven't metaphorically are you following Jesus....

APPLICATION: I don't get anything out of my faith if I don't do things all the way. There's no point in doing the work if your not really getting anything out of it. I need to "pick up my cross" own my walk with Christ and actually follow Him with all my heart. I will doing this by understanding in what areas were my walk is at a stand still and also asking and keeping my brothers and sisters in Christ to hold me accountable. If you sit on the fence all the time your bound to fall. 

Inconceivable! ACTS 12:9

Acts 12:9 
" So he went out and followed him., and the did not know that what was done by the angel was real, but thought he was seeing a vision." NKJV 

Theme: Be sensitive to God's still small voice and to the signs, visions, and answered prayers in my life. 

How can we do this? Some people say "Oh that's a lucky" or " you just have good car-ma!" or my personal favorite "inconceivable!". We need to train  ourselves to be sensitive to these blessings rained down, we need to read our bibles. Make our reading of it a daily re-occernce and a habit. Enough of this generation of appetheic christians that aren't reading their bibles! If your not reading your not following Jesus! How can you if you don't read His word?How can you justice your faith, if you don't even know His TRUTH and what it says? Psalms 119:11 " I have hidden Your Word in my hear that I might not sin against You."  When I do this, I am putting on our armor of the Lord. When i don't do this I go out for battle without my helmet. and without my truth in the morning then I will never see the blessings of the Father rain down in my life all around me. 

Peter was so marveled by the blessing that was being rained out on him that he was thinking dreaming or seeing a vision!  He was stunned! because he was armed with the truth. He didn't mistake this happy as "inconceivable" or "good luck" no... it's was a happening of the Lord. He was being blessed. When we are spiritually sensitive to God you understand the things in your life as prayer answered, blessing rained down, visions and God's calling in my life. 

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Have No Fear God Is Here. You Can't Fail.

Acts 12:7

“ Now behold an angel of the Lord stood by him, and a light shone in the prison; and he struck Peter on the side and rise him up, saying, “Arise quickly!” And his chains fell off his hands.”

“Luke uses an interesting word for prison. It is oikema, a word that occurs only in the New Testament. It literally means dwelling. The Lord’s continuing presence in the prison cell had converted Peter’s cell into a home. One of which he could sleep! Peter quietly made himself at home.” And the two guards he was snuggled between were his houseguests. “If it was the Lord’s will for Peter to be committed to the jail cell and lead to death.
            Imagine how the world would be if we all had the same obedient as Peter did in his prison cell. Peter had no fear, and had no reason to be. God sent Peter an angel to free him. Peter had the mentality that he was saved regardless.
APPLICATION: What would you attempt if you knew you couldn’t fail. It’s impossible to fail when the Lord is with me. I need to consistently remind myself that because I am in God’s will… so I cannot fail.  

Rest Easy. Don't Live in Fear.

Acts 12:6
“And when Herod was about to bring him out, that night Peter was sleeping, bound with two chains a between two soldiers; and the guards before that door were keeping the prison.”

“ The order for execution had been signed. The date was set. Peter was to die tomorrow.” What was Peter doing that “last night” of his life? Was he crying out to God for mercy on him, begging pathetically for a second chance? Was he cursing His name, for his death sentence, preparing himself to deny his Lord’s name to save his own skin... NO! The man was sleeping, getting himself some shut-eye, he had a long day. Peter did not fear what would happen when the sun rose because he knew his eternal fate was in heaven, He had so much confidence, and he slept soundly.
1 Con. 15:55 “ O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?”
            Through the pass few years when it came time in my faith to step up and take a position at my church or reach out to another/ others in Christ’s name, I always assured myself the desire in my heart was good and that I would do eventually. But now wasn’t the time. My justifications were original, inventive and creative. “ I’m not old enough to lead others.” “ I don’t know the bible well enough.” “ I don’t have enough money to tithe.” “ I can’t just pick-up everything and move to Montana in just six weeks!”…
            Don Miller, in his book Blue Like Jazz says “ fear is a manipulative emotion that can trick us into living a boarding life.” Living in a fear is not much of a life at all. When I live in an emotional state of doubt and fear, I miss out on a world of adventure and fulfillment in the life God intended for me. I didn’t shy away form becoming a girls small group leader truly because I wasn’t good enough to lead them. I didn’t tithe, because I really didn’t have enough money in my wallet as the basket passed over me. Six weeks isn’t too little of a time to answer the call God made to me and move to Montana and the first year of my adult life Him. 

The Power of Prayer. It's So Real. Don't underestimate it Friends.

Act 12:5 

“ Peter was therefore kept in prison, but constant prayer was offered to God for him by the church.”

When king Herod caught wind of all the good works that were going on and all the people that were coming to the light and receiving the TRUTH in their hearts, he threw Peter in jai, and out of anger and fear of the power of God, he used a small army to keep watch over Peter, during the night. “ All the time the Peter during the night. All the time that Peter was under heavy guard in the jailhouse, the church prayed for him most strenuously.
            I met a girl today during my town run. She works at Wal-mart and her name is Rachel. Most recently through a person that is very close to my heart, I have picked up the habit of learning cashiers and people is customer service… I mean they have a name tag for a reason, right, and asking them how they are doing sincerely. So I am putting my old spice Fuji and morning burst face-wash on the convertor-belt… and I suddenly got the conviction to ask Rachel how she likes her job. After she had recovered from the astonishment of the question, she proceed to tell me, that while the job and its tasks are bearable, she is getting cheated out of full-time pay. She works over 40 hrs a week, but Wal-mart will only pay her part-time wages. Because of this she cannot afford to make house payments and she will have to move out of her home. In other words… she is imprisoned by her own situation, due to a corrupt higher power. I told her how sorry I was and told her that I hope things get better, bye and walked out of the store. Thinking about how I wish I could change her situation.
            On the car ride back to the Ranch, I was brought back to this verse in Acts. Peter was in prison “ but CONSTANT PRAYER was offered to god for him by the people of the church”… All Peter’s buddies, people that deeply loved him were in constant prayer for his sake. They cried out to their Father in profound, enduring, emotional prayer for him. The Lord heard those prayers and later on in the chapter an angle is sent to the prison call of Peter and breaks him out with out disturbing one guard on Herod’s small army.
APPLICATION: The power of prayer is REAL, and it’s REAL POWERFUL friends! Most things in my life that need change are too big to change on my own. Calling on the Lord and trusting in His power can move mountains, part seas and… free prisoners in my life…. I will be keeping Rachel form Wal-mart counter 3 in my prayers. I ask the same form you.

Speak Up Friends.

Acts 7:57            
“ When they cried out with a load voice, stopped their ears and ran at Him with one accord.”

Theme: Courage. Be a Witness Speaking-up!

Deuteronomy 31:6
“ Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.”

            The high priests were so angry at what Stephen for what he said, they screamed, they plugged their ears, and they all at once ran at him. When I read this I get a comical vision… Ever babysit a three-year-old? The respected high priest were acting very childish… They screamed, they plugged their ears; they ran at Stephen (I half expected them to hold their breath and stomp their feet). Children can be difficult at times, and for some people they are scary, but even though these people were acting as children. They still posted a great threat to Stephen.            
Now we have all gone to the grocery store and encountered the parent that is too scared to SPEAK-UP and reedman their kid. All is well until you hit the check out stand with all the candy bars and silly putty… “ Mom I want THIS!”… “No honey…” Wrong answer, the kid screamed, cries, publically humiliates their mom or dad (quite similar to high priests)… and eventually of fear of further embarrassment, the parent gives up and throws the snickers into the shopping cart. That kid learned that if he acts out long enough he will get what he wants. Because the parent didn’t have the courage to SPEAK-UP and express that NO MEANS NO!   
APPLICATION: Stephen wasn’t scared to tell the priest how it is. He verbally reprimanded them in the name of the Lord. He knew the long -term cost of not having the COURAGE to speak the truth, and he knew that it could be the end for him. It’s hard to stand-up for what is right. But things stay wrong and get worse when we don’t. DISCLAIMER: sometimes things get worse before they get better, teaching people the right thing after years of unruliness can be painful. But when we are doing the right thing by the Lord, He will bless you and keep you save. Don't be scared to turn on the light :)  

Don't Lose Your Faith.

Acts 7:55
“ But he, being full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God.”

Theme: The power of the Spirit, anything is possible when you have faith.

Wow Stephen saw God, heaven and His Son Jesus! How many people can say that? This verse shows me that everything is possible when you have faith in Him. A prime example of this is myself. Now I am not claiming that I got a seek-peek at heaven, but God is making the impossible, possible in my life. I am in Whitefish Montana! Saturday I saw a pack of wild mountain goats on a snow covered glacier, a few miles from the boarder of Canada! Not more then 12 weeks form now I will find myself in a whole different country, with a foreign language, unfamiliar culture and cuisine, challenging bathroom situations and nothing but the faith I have in My Lord to keep me grounded. Less then a month ago I was in my safe bed in conservative Vancouver Washington, being able to see my whole week unfold without a hinge… Everyday here holds a new possibility.  Everyday I wake up and get out of bed I am taking a leap of faith. I got here because God wants me here, I still don’t know why this is, nor do I wish to convey to you readers that this is an easy task for me and that at times I don’t want to go home and just do what’s easy. Some days are more difficult then others, but when I have a hard time getting out of bed, or leaping off a 40 ft cliff I have to give that fear to God…. Because if I don’t…. I would look over that liege and I would never ever in a million years… Jump. God has put this mission on my heart. Sometimes my mind gets in the way. My heart’s commission is to proclaim His love to the nations. I have faith God is going to do a massive work through myself as well as my fellow interns. And I don’t have to worry about how I will get the money, where I will being going for the next six months, what kinds of things I will face on the field or even what I will eat, because God will take care of me, because I am in His will. For when we are in the will of our Lord, there is no safer place to be.

Psalms 91:15-16
“ He shall call upon me, and I will answer Him;
I will be with Him in trouble;
I will deliver Him and honor Him
With long life I will satisfy Him
And show Him my salvation.” 

Monday, July 25, 2011

Be Teachable.

Act 7:54
“When they heard these they were cut to the heart and they gnashed at him with their teeth.”
Theme: Being Teachable. Don’t take the offensive. Turn the bad into rad.

When Stephen rightfully called them out on the sins they had and were committing against God. The high priests were in an up-roar with what Stephen was saying. To show their anger they “gnashed” or grinned their teeth at Stephen.
            At first read, I see the high priests as ingenerate people. But then I take a second look and I see myself. When I am wrong and I get called out, in most cases I have a similar reaction (maybe not as intense, but still I am bothered). But I ask myself; “ why do I get angry when people call me out n my wrong doing?” and “ why is my first reaction to take the offense, instead of just learning what I am doing incorrectly, and then trying to fix it?” something my dad has always installed in my head is that “ the most valuable learned skill, is the skill to be teachable” or to learn from your mistakes. I believe this to be very true, because as it reads in
Proverbs 16:18-19
            “ Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. Better to be humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud.”
            What I am getting at is; it’s okay to be wrong, but it’s not okay to not learn from it. Don’t be too proud to be teachable or you will learn nothing. As I am saying these things I am swallowing them, I too am very un-teachable at times.
            I was talking to a staff intern yesterday about the culture shock that we will experience while on the mission field.  I asked her “ How long does it take to get use to the culture where ever I go?” With a wise tone she humbly replied, “ As long as you hold onto your culture…” What I took from that is; the longer I hold on to my idea of what right and wrong, the longer I remain uncomfortable and ignorant. Be teachable friends. 

Answer the Call.

Acts 2:45
“ And sold their possessions and goods, and divided hem among all as anyone had need.”

My interpretation: Obey in Faith, Receive in Full. “and sold their possessions”, the people sold all they had… all they possessed. They did this in obedience to their King (God). They obeyed, and had faith they would be taken care of. They gave everything that was physically held dear to them. They sold or GAVE AWAY all their goods, what was good what brought them joy, the things they held dear, the possessions that they have attachments to… the stuff they loved.

I look at this verse and I am convicted. I am on trial. I sit here in awe of these words and their perfect timing in my life. All I can repeat in my head is; “Karlee… Is this something you would do in the name of the Lord?” “Have you given it all to Christ and are being open to His plan for your life?” “ If God told you to “sell” all that you held dear to you…. Would you?” “ You are here Karlee… But is God asking for more?”.

I can’t honestly say that I am as willing or obedient as this mission is calling me to be.  When I first pulled up here at Potter’s Field Ranch about… 14 days ago now, we were all greeting with hugs, handshakes and smiles. But in the mist of being greeted, I shock someone’s hand and exchanged smiles. He said, “ Welcome to Potter’s Field… get stretched!” Fourteen days later I now understand what he meant. In order to do God’s work and make a true impact, you have to cast your whole lot in. When I make my way back to the “Couv” a year form now, you can expect to see some stretch marks.

Hebrews 13:17 NKJV
“ Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who, must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you.”

Live Life As One

Acts 2:44
“ Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common.”
Like I said in verses 43, it is important to be in a community of like minds in order for you to grow in your faith as a child of God. It is human nature to pick friend groups that match our own interests in life. When we live and grow as a group, we are able to be a light to other around us.
Matthew 5:16
“ Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”
The modern day church looks very different then the first church we read about in Acts 2:41-47, they were a community, and all they did was for the glory of God or the bettering of their fellowship with each other. Today’s congregations might only see each other once a week of even once a month. Now a day’s there seven different campuses and eight different services, not to say these things are bad, they just make it harder for everyone to fellowship as one. But there are ways to change this join a bible study, help out with the youth programs. Go the extra mile and actually have a dinner at your house, go to the movies, and plan other actives together as a whole. Do things together. Live life as one. 


Acts 2:43 nkjv

“ Then fear came upon them every soul, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles”
My interpretation of this verse was that they (the people or congregation) was in owe when they saw the wonder that the Holy Spirit was performing through the apostles. Back in the earlier verses Acts 2:41 and 42; these people took a huge leap of faith. They submitted to God and were baptized. They continued in their faith steadfastly, with community and payer. And in return they were blessed with reassurance, through the works, wonders and signs done through the apostles, by God.
            If you read carefully, nowhere in the reading does it mention their conditions in order to submit, be baptized and follow the Lord. I don’t recall God having to fill out any paper work, agreeing to a lifetime of nice weather and a comfy seat in heaven with a good view of the Blazer’s game. No these people jumped without looking… they had simple faith that the Lord would catch them before they hit the ground. These people (new believers), didn’t say “ Show me God and I will do it” instead they did it and in return their Father showed them “many wonders and signs” through the apostles. The Lord blessed them AKA reassured them in their decision to follow and serve Him and live out His will for their lives. They were blessed.
            For me after reading this I look at my own faith and compare it to the believers in Acts 2:41-47. Reading this I realize that; Real faith is NOT conditional. True faith isn’t true unless tested and remains un-wavered, just like true love.  God has His own timeline; God is the master planner, His plan for our lives far out does any plan we can wipe up. As true followers of God we must understand and except that sometimes He says “yes” or “no” or even  “ do first and maybe in due time”. For it is written, “ To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 3:1 NKJV. Another grip on my heart is that; we are called to strictly “come”, come and follow the Lord. As I sit back and take this all in, I ask myself the questions; “why do I hold back?”, “ why do I think this is okay?”. 
            In closing, what I took away from this verse was; a leap of faith is a blessing in return. But remember that God is always in charge of what time, shape and season that blessing takes from in your life. Finally, it’s not my job to ask why, when or how…. It’s solely my responsibility to close my eyes, say a prayer and jump….
2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV
“ For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of sound mind.”

Acts 2:42 "Community in Christ"

Act 2: 42 NKJV
“ And they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and fellowship in the breaking for bread, and in prayers.”

            The people in this verse were new followers of the Lord, yet they were leaping and diving into a community of like-minds. Coming from a background of being a “ spiritual lone ranger”, I can strongly identify with this passage. I am sure we have all heard, “ two heads are better than one, three heads are better than two” and so on. Now I know we aren’t talking about three heads, we are talking about three thousand heads, but the idea is still the same! What I mean; is it is so difficult to grow in Christ all on your own. We need others of like minds to guide us. Fellowship is vital in the life of a God pursuing person. The first church new the importance of community in Christ.  
When we live in community with each other, like these people of the first church did, they acquired many things all-growing Christians need (just to clarify… we are all always growing). When people live and grow in Christ together they can hold each other accountable in their commitment to God. Which leads to me to my next point, wise counsel. These new believers were bound to have limitless questions and concerns about God, His doctrines and things of that nature. Because they lived as a congregation instead of only seeing each other maybe once a week (if their tight schedule allowed it), they were able to “continue steadfastly”.
Being up here at the Ranch have given me a real sense of community in Christ. We spend everyday together. My fellow roommates and myself literally do everything together, we eat together, we sit in class ALL DAY ha together, we clean and do servant work together, we do homework, bible study, prayers, brush our teeth… everything as one. Sometimes as all of us can agree, can get pretty tiring, but at the same time, we are growing to be such amazing friends. No clicks, no gossip, no harsh words. Community. Now we have our difficult times yes, and I have to admit I always look forward to bathroom breaks because it’s the only time I am alone hahah… but I am becoming stronger in my walk everyday, and that hasn’t happen on my own.
Our Father didn’t design us to walk alone, ha that are why He gave us churches, community. If I am to become the women God has planned me to be then I am called to learn from these people. I have to be open to what each one of my bothers and sisters in Christ has to offer me. It’s important to encourage my siblings in the Lord with every word and action. I can’t be scared to get too close to these people out of fear of not being accepted, because they already care for me just the way I am…. I know this sound mushy guys, but stay with me here…. This is the way was meant to be. This is God’s design.  No man is an island. 

Friday, July 15, 2011

Week One at the Ranch

My first week at the ranch was full of new faces, new places and new lessons.