Sunday, August 14, 2011

Rest Easy. Don't Live in Fear.

Acts 12:6
“And when Herod was about to bring him out, that night Peter was sleeping, bound with two chains a between two soldiers; and the guards before that door were keeping the prison.”

“ The order for execution had been signed. The date was set. Peter was to die tomorrow.” What was Peter doing that “last night” of his life? Was he crying out to God for mercy on him, begging pathetically for a second chance? Was he cursing His name, for his death sentence, preparing himself to deny his Lord’s name to save his own skin... NO! The man was sleeping, getting himself some shut-eye, he had a long day. Peter did not fear what would happen when the sun rose because he knew his eternal fate was in heaven, He had so much confidence, and he slept soundly.
1 Con. 15:55 “ O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?”
            Through the pass few years when it came time in my faith to step up and take a position at my church or reach out to another/ others in Christ’s name, I always assured myself the desire in my heart was good and that I would do eventually. But now wasn’t the time. My justifications were original, inventive and creative. “ I’m not old enough to lead others.” “ I don’t know the bible well enough.” “ I don’t have enough money to tithe.” “ I can’t just pick-up everything and move to Montana in just six weeks!”…
            Don Miller, in his book Blue Like Jazz says “ fear is a manipulative emotion that can trick us into living a boarding life.” Living in a fear is not much of a life at all. When I live in an emotional state of doubt and fear, I miss out on a world of adventure and fulfillment in the life God intended for me. I didn’t shy away form becoming a girls small group leader truly because I wasn’t good enough to lead them. I didn’t tithe, because I really didn’t have enough money in my wallet as the basket passed over me. Six weeks isn’t too little of a time to answer the call God made to me and move to Montana and the first year of my adult life Him. 

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