Monday, July 25, 2011

Be Teachable.

Act 7:54
“When they heard these they were cut to the heart and they gnashed at him with their teeth.”
Theme: Being Teachable. Don’t take the offensive. Turn the bad into rad.

When Stephen rightfully called them out on the sins they had and were committing against God. The high priests were in an up-roar with what Stephen was saying. To show their anger they “gnashed” or grinned their teeth at Stephen.
            At first read, I see the high priests as ingenerate people. But then I take a second look and I see myself. When I am wrong and I get called out, in most cases I have a similar reaction (maybe not as intense, but still I am bothered). But I ask myself; “ why do I get angry when people call me out n my wrong doing?” and “ why is my first reaction to take the offense, instead of just learning what I am doing incorrectly, and then trying to fix it?” something my dad has always installed in my head is that “ the most valuable learned skill, is the skill to be teachable” or to learn from your mistakes. I believe this to be very true, because as it reads in
Proverbs 16:18-19
            “ Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. Better to be humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud.”
            What I am getting at is; it’s okay to be wrong, but it’s not okay to not learn from it. Don’t be too proud to be teachable or you will learn nothing. As I am saying these things I am swallowing them, I too am very un-teachable at times.
            I was talking to a staff intern yesterday about the culture shock that we will experience while on the mission field.  I asked her “ How long does it take to get use to the culture where ever I go?” With a wise tone she humbly replied, “ As long as you hold onto your culture…” What I took from that is; the longer I hold on to my idea of what right and wrong, the longer I remain uncomfortable and ignorant. Be teachable friends. 

Answer the Call.

Acts 2:45
“ And sold their possessions and goods, and divided hem among all as anyone had need.”

My interpretation: Obey in Faith, Receive in Full. “and sold their possessions”, the people sold all they had… all they possessed. They did this in obedience to their King (God). They obeyed, and had faith they would be taken care of. They gave everything that was physically held dear to them. They sold or GAVE AWAY all their goods, what was good what brought them joy, the things they held dear, the possessions that they have attachments to… the stuff they loved.

I look at this verse and I am convicted. I am on trial. I sit here in awe of these words and their perfect timing in my life. All I can repeat in my head is; “Karlee… Is this something you would do in the name of the Lord?” “Have you given it all to Christ and are being open to His plan for your life?” “ If God told you to “sell” all that you held dear to you…. Would you?” “ You are here Karlee… But is God asking for more?”.

I can’t honestly say that I am as willing or obedient as this mission is calling me to be.  When I first pulled up here at Potter’s Field Ranch about… 14 days ago now, we were all greeting with hugs, handshakes and smiles. But in the mist of being greeted, I shock someone’s hand and exchanged smiles. He said, “ Welcome to Potter’s Field… get stretched!” Fourteen days later I now understand what he meant. In order to do God’s work and make a true impact, you have to cast your whole lot in. When I make my way back to the “Couv” a year form now, you can expect to see some stretch marks.

Hebrews 13:17 NKJV
“ Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who, must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you.”

Live Life As One

Acts 2:44
“ Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common.”
Like I said in verses 43, it is important to be in a community of like minds in order for you to grow in your faith as a child of God. It is human nature to pick friend groups that match our own interests in life. When we live and grow as a group, we are able to be a light to other around us.
Matthew 5:16
“ Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”
The modern day church looks very different then the first church we read about in Acts 2:41-47, they were a community, and all they did was for the glory of God or the bettering of their fellowship with each other. Today’s congregations might only see each other once a week of even once a month. Now a day’s there seven different campuses and eight different services, not to say these things are bad, they just make it harder for everyone to fellowship as one. But there are ways to change this join a bible study, help out with the youth programs. Go the extra mile and actually have a dinner at your house, go to the movies, and plan other actives together as a whole. Do things together. Live life as one. 


Acts 2:43 nkjv

“ Then fear came upon them every soul, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles”
My interpretation of this verse was that they (the people or congregation) was in owe when they saw the wonder that the Holy Spirit was performing through the apostles. Back in the earlier verses Acts 2:41 and 42; these people took a huge leap of faith. They submitted to God and were baptized. They continued in their faith steadfastly, with community and payer. And in return they were blessed with reassurance, through the works, wonders and signs done through the apostles, by God.
            If you read carefully, nowhere in the reading does it mention their conditions in order to submit, be baptized and follow the Lord. I don’t recall God having to fill out any paper work, agreeing to a lifetime of nice weather and a comfy seat in heaven with a good view of the Blazer’s game. No these people jumped without looking… they had simple faith that the Lord would catch them before they hit the ground. These people (new believers), didn’t say “ Show me God and I will do it” instead they did it and in return their Father showed them “many wonders and signs” through the apostles. The Lord blessed them AKA reassured them in their decision to follow and serve Him and live out His will for their lives. They were blessed.
            For me after reading this I look at my own faith and compare it to the believers in Acts 2:41-47. Reading this I realize that; Real faith is NOT conditional. True faith isn’t true unless tested and remains un-wavered, just like true love.  God has His own timeline; God is the master planner, His plan for our lives far out does any plan we can wipe up. As true followers of God we must understand and except that sometimes He says “yes” or “no” or even  “ do first and maybe in due time”. For it is written, “ To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 3:1 NKJV. Another grip on my heart is that; we are called to strictly “come”, come and follow the Lord. As I sit back and take this all in, I ask myself the questions; “why do I hold back?”, “ why do I think this is okay?”. 
            In closing, what I took away from this verse was; a leap of faith is a blessing in return. But remember that God is always in charge of what time, shape and season that blessing takes from in your life. Finally, it’s not my job to ask why, when or how…. It’s solely my responsibility to close my eyes, say a prayer and jump….
2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV
“ For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of sound mind.”

Acts 2:42 "Community in Christ"

Act 2: 42 NKJV
“ And they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and fellowship in the breaking for bread, and in prayers.”

            The people in this verse were new followers of the Lord, yet they were leaping and diving into a community of like-minds. Coming from a background of being a “ spiritual lone ranger”, I can strongly identify with this passage. I am sure we have all heard, “ two heads are better than one, three heads are better than two” and so on. Now I know we aren’t talking about three heads, we are talking about three thousand heads, but the idea is still the same! What I mean; is it is so difficult to grow in Christ all on your own. We need others of like minds to guide us. Fellowship is vital in the life of a God pursuing person. The first church new the importance of community in Christ.  
When we live in community with each other, like these people of the first church did, they acquired many things all-growing Christians need (just to clarify… we are all always growing). When people live and grow in Christ together they can hold each other accountable in their commitment to God. Which leads to me to my next point, wise counsel. These new believers were bound to have limitless questions and concerns about God, His doctrines and things of that nature. Because they lived as a congregation instead of only seeing each other maybe once a week (if their tight schedule allowed it), they were able to “continue steadfastly”.
Being up here at the Ranch have given me a real sense of community in Christ. We spend everyday together. My fellow roommates and myself literally do everything together, we eat together, we sit in class ALL DAY ha together, we clean and do servant work together, we do homework, bible study, prayers, brush our teeth… everything as one. Sometimes as all of us can agree, can get pretty tiring, but at the same time, we are growing to be such amazing friends. No clicks, no gossip, no harsh words. Community. Now we have our difficult times yes, and I have to admit I always look forward to bathroom breaks because it’s the only time I am alone hahah… but I am becoming stronger in my walk everyday, and that hasn’t happen on my own.
Our Father didn’t design us to walk alone, ha that are why He gave us churches, community. If I am to become the women God has planned me to be then I am called to learn from these people. I have to be open to what each one of my bothers and sisters in Christ has to offer me. It’s important to encourage my siblings in the Lord with every word and action. I can’t be scared to get too close to these people out of fear of not being accepted, because they already care for me just the way I am…. I know this sound mushy guys, but stay with me here…. This is the way was meant to be. This is God’s design.  No man is an island. 

Friday, July 15, 2011

Week One at the Ranch

My first week at the ranch was full of new faces, new places and new lessons.