Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Power of Prayer. It's So Real. Don't underestimate it Friends.

Act 12:5 

“ Peter was therefore kept in prison, but constant prayer was offered to God for him by the church.”

When king Herod caught wind of all the good works that were going on and all the people that were coming to the light and receiving the TRUTH in their hearts, he threw Peter in jai, and out of anger and fear of the power of God, he used a small army to keep watch over Peter, during the night. “ All the time the Peter during the night. All the time that Peter was under heavy guard in the jailhouse, the church prayed for him most strenuously.
            I met a girl today during my town run. She works at Wal-mart and her name is Rachel. Most recently through a person that is very close to my heart, I have picked up the habit of learning cashiers and people is customer service… I mean they have a name tag for a reason, right, and asking them how they are doing sincerely. So I am putting my old spice Fuji and morning burst face-wash on the convertor-belt… and I suddenly got the conviction to ask Rachel how she likes her job. After she had recovered from the astonishment of the question, she proceed to tell me, that while the job and its tasks are bearable, she is getting cheated out of full-time pay. She works over 40 hrs a week, but Wal-mart will only pay her part-time wages. Because of this she cannot afford to make house payments and she will have to move out of her home. In other words… she is imprisoned by her own situation, due to a corrupt higher power. I told her how sorry I was and told her that I hope things get better, bye and walked out of the store. Thinking about how I wish I could change her situation.
            On the car ride back to the Ranch, I was brought back to this verse in Acts. Peter was in prison “ but CONSTANT PRAYER was offered to god for him by the people of the church”… All Peter’s buddies, people that deeply loved him were in constant prayer for his sake. They cried out to their Father in profound, enduring, emotional prayer for him. The Lord heard those prayers and later on in the chapter an angle is sent to the prison call of Peter and breaks him out with out disturbing one guard on Herod’s small army.
APPLICATION: The power of prayer is REAL, and it’s REAL POWERFUL friends! Most things in my life that need change are too big to change on my own. Calling on the Lord and trusting in His power can move mountains, part seas and… free prisoners in my life…. I will be keeping Rachel form Wal-mart counter 3 in my prayers. I ask the same form you.

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